Holy Monday

A Reading for Holy Monday

Luke 21:1-4

This Monday of Holy Week, let us take a few moments to worship together and hear the reading of God’s Word.

Though the song, “Sing Alleluia” may seem repetitive each day this week, I pray it’s words and melody may help set the tone of entering intentionally into God’s presence. I have also found that this melody is simple and haunting enough that you may find Holy Spirit opening your heart to new verses as you go throughout the day. If God does lay on your heart the words for a new verse, feel free to share in the comments. We would love to sing them along with you.

Readings from the Gospel of Luke based on The Daily Text series: “Listen to Him”. Reflections can be found on the Daily Text Website at https://www.seedbed.com/daily-text/

May God bless the reading and hearing of His Holy Word.