based on the book Invitation to a Journey, by: M. Robert Mulholland Jr.

This spring, 2023, I am working through the book, Invitation to a Journey, by my former seminary professor Dr. Robert Mulholland. We are hosting live group sessions at my church on Wednesday nights and due to the personal nature of the discussions in the group, I have chosen not to record those live sessions. However, I am putting together short weekly videos, around 30 minutes, to walk through this rich resource with you online.

Before watching each video session, I encourage you to read the corrosponding chapters in the book which you can order here. I also invite you to have a pen and journal handy as we will begin each week with a contemplative Lectio Divina exercise using a related passage of scripture for each week. You may want to pause the video at various points to journal and reflect on your own spirtual journey as it relates to the themes we are discussing.

Below each video you will find a PDF of the notes, lectio reading, reflection questions, and next steps for each week. Feel free to download them as you follow along with each video.

May God richly bless you as you enter into this journey toward a deeper relationship with Christ.

Resources for Session 2: the Process

Resources for Session 4: The Image of Christ for the Sake of the World

Resources for Session 9: The Nature of Spiritual Disciplines

Resources for Session 10: The Inner Dynamics of Spiritual Disciplines

Resources for Session 11: Corporate Spirituality

Resources for Session 12: Social Spirituality

Stay Tuned for More Sessions as they are Added

between now and the end of May 2023